Preskočiť na obsah

Can we help?

Is there anything you haven’t found on our site and are you interested? Write it here, we will try to write it off as soon as possible.

    What your report is about

    To help us, fill in the fields about your age and gender.

    Your age

    Your gender

    Help options

    Safe places you can turn to:

    Violence and harassment:

    Quick help or support contacts:

    • In case of an attack or assault, call 112 or 158
    • Toll-free hotline for women experiencing violence: 0800 212 212
    • Crisis Center Woman in Need: 0907 346 374,
    • Non – stop helpline for victims – 0850 111 321

    LGBTIQ+ community:

    Iniciatíva inakosť
    Dúhové rodiny
    Dúhoví kresťania

    Mental difficulties:

  • – online poradňa a pomoc, aj o nebezpečí na internete
  • – chatová online poradňa
  • Are you under 18?

  • Bezplatná anonymná Linka pre deti a mládež: 116 111
  • Linka dôvery Nezábudka: 0800 800 566 
  • Linka detskej Dôvery: 0907 401 749